It's All About Me

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Nashville, TN, United States
Primordial hardcore PC gamer, Love the FPS genre in video games such as Medal Of Honor and Call Of Duty, Artist, Musician(drummer & guitar), photographer, aquarist, non-sweater of the small stuff and lover of life! There are always weeds between the with it!


Friday, December 4, 2009

Deleting old games!

I’ve spent more hours than I’d like to admit playing MMO’s but for some reason last night I went through my laptop and deleted a few games I knew I’d never return too again!
Also most, if not all the MMO’s in the market today, require a monthly fee to play. Not that the $15 a month fee was an issue it’s just not variable to fork out money to a game that isn’t fun anymore!

First off, Everquest II. I’ve played this game for over four years and cancelled but returned to the game at least three times. Finally I made the decision to just let it go!
It’s almost like saying good-bye to an old friend! You spent some much time with a game, developing characters, exploring zones and dying more times than you would like to remember.
As a gamer you establish relationships with other gamers just as you would in the “real world”. I’ve played with gamers from just about every country on the globe. You become friends with most of them, exchanging e-mails even developing these relationships to the point of knowing more about their personal lives than most of your “real friends”.
With the communication software that is available these days such as Ventrillo, Teamspeak, etc…gamers can talk to each other on “comms” to discuss tactics or strategies in the game. I’ve spent many a night with allot of these folks just talking about normal things like advise, relationships with their wives or girlfriends, you name it we’ve talked about it!
But there comes a time in some games where it just becomes a chore to get through the game or get a particular quest finished. It’s what we call “a grind” in the gamer’s world.
Basically that is why I decided to finally uninstall EQ2. I knew I would never return to this game so…farewell old friend!

Secondly…Champions Online! This game is fairly new; it was released only this Fall but after playing it for a month it has lost its shine! Again, this game felt like a grind to get through. It was very repetitive even though some aspects of the game such as the character customization I really enjoyed, it was just the some old thing over and over again!

The rest were just single player games like, Fallout 3, Grand Theft Auto etc…games that were either finished or I’d become bored with. So now begins the search for the next MMO to purchase and pray won’t end up in my drawer of forgotten games of the past. Which by the way, is beginning to get take over one of my file cabinets.
In the end, gaming is just a hobby. Just like golf or fishing or anything else.

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