It's All About Me

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Nashville, TN, United States
Primordial hardcore PC gamer, Love the FPS genre in video games such as Medal Of Honor and Call Of Duty, Artist, Musician(drummer & guitar), photographer, aquarist, non-sweater of the small stuff and lover of life! There are always weeds between the with it!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dead Laptop....RIP!

My Dell M1730 laptop died last week after less than a year in service and there is no priest to rezz it back to life.
After researching the common causes on the net, I've come to the conclusion that the nVidia 8800m GTX cooling fans are the culprit. It seems that Dell has had a recurring problem with over-heating on the GPU and in their infinite wisdom has not listen to their own customer community on how to fix this simple task.
Instead of replacing the same old GPU fan that repeatedly fails, spend an extra few dollars more and upgrade to a better fan that will actually cool the GPU! DUH!
After three e-mails with three different reps and explaining to said reps that I know my way around a CPU.
I've built may last three gaming rigs so I know the difference between a PCI and a AGP unit. But looking back I couldn't pass up on a good deal for a decent laptop after playing exclusively on desktops my whole gaming life.

Anyway....when dealing with Dell you have to dance to their tune if you want anything done! So tonight it looks like I will spent spend the good part of my evening, writing down error codes and running diagnostics to e-mail back to D. Srikanth at Dell.

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