There is something about old photographs I think that captivates us all, well some of us more than others I guess!
I believe they tug at our curiosity more than anything else. We look at an old photograph and wonder who they were, what are their hopes and dreams, are they any different from from ours no matter what time period they lived in.
These folks are all my past relatives on my dad's side of the family, his aunts, uncles, cousins etc... all from east Tennessee where our family's ancestry originated from Scot/Irish stock.
When visiting my parents a few months back I had decided to scan as many old pictures from their photo albums as I could.
It was one of those things I had meant to do several times and just never got around to it until one of my co-workers had a terrible fir e at his house lost everything they owned.
This is one of my favorites...My mom had caught my dad sneaking into the house late one night after playing cards with his friends!
Motorcycle Mama!
Boon's Banter
My ramblings from the origins of this little dirt ball we call planet Earth to the outer limits of the Universe. Everything in between like, "why am I losing my hair, I look like my Dad" to "there are 300 billion galaxies in the universe? Who counted them?"
It's All About Me

- PapaBoon
- Nashville, TN, United States
- Primordial hardcore PC gamer, Love the FPS genre in video games such as Medal Of Honor and Call Of Duty, Artist, Musician(drummer & guitar), photographer, aquarist, non-sweater of the small stuff and lover of life! There are always weeds between the with it!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A Poem from my Moonbaby!
This ring signifies love, a
star captured,
brought down to earth to rest
upon my hand
as if angels sang in a
heavenly choir,
robes swishing about like
sails on a boat,
a boat in a harbor in Italy
perhaps, the gondoliers
singing of loves won and
lost, the stripes of the zebra
contrasting with the dusty
plain, how it runs upon
the Kansas tornado that blows
away homes
and trees and cars, while
night settles in a forest,
owls hooting to a beautiful
opal moon
on an October harvest of
golden wheat ripened,
ready to become the bread of
while others, hungry, wither
and die become
walking bones. I look at the
x-ray with the doctor
who must tell my friend she
has breast cancer
and must sacrifice one of her
to continue living. I
question what is femininity
as I watch the lace fan a
woman holds,
back and forth through the
hot humid air,
white glove swishing across
her man’s face
the declaration of hatred and
of war—
the games men play that cause
to run red, like blood
oranges lying on the table
cut open, untouched.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The Artist's Curse
As I've posted before, Moonbaby has lived her entire life diagnosed with a mental disorder called "Bipolar II". The word "bipolar" itself has had a stigma attached to it like something taboo. Most people, including myself, who were not educated or familiar with this disorder would automatically draw a conclusion that anyone who may suffer or be associated with this disorder are unstable, crazy or a lunatic. That is far from the truth.
When Moonbaby and I first starting dating five years ago, she had since the start, informed me of her disorder and asked me several times if I was absolutely sure I wanted to pursue our relationship any further, with full disclosure and going into this with my eyes wide open, what would be involved in having a relationship with someone who suffers from this disorder. I agreed, I was in it for the long haul...the heart wants, what the heart wants!
She had given me several books about he subject of Bipolar and I soon realized that much of the manic chaos or depressive episodes that were triggered, came from the stimulus of the environment around them. Even though, the disorder itself was caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, the daily drama and stress of those closest to them may spark a bout of depression or manic behavior.
So I set out to create a stable and solid surrounding in our relationship. I had never been one to bring drama or stress into any aspect of my life anyway, so the effort involved was minimal. With patience, understanding, love and commitment, her episodes have been fewer and far between over the last few years. Along with her proactive approach to her medication, diet and constant vigilance of her mood swings. The last three years have been the happiest in both our lives.
I was finally able to talk my Moobaby into letting me post some of her writing. I've almost convinced her to submit some of her poetry to a publisher or at the very least to start blog.
I'm not a literary critic by no means but I believe I know good writing when I read it. I've been privileged to be allowed to share most of her writing and can see a true talent in her ability to express her feelings and her observations about life and the world around her.
The following is an example of her writing:
I have had this illness for so long. Way back before I was diagnosed and had to accept a label the explained so many heretofore agonizing "senseless" behaviors that could make me the life of the party or make me the desperate holding on for dear life wounded human being, either one, I put people through Hell.
It has impact upon my life all the time, I am either crashing after being hypomanic ,desperately depressed or headed into hypomanic and once there surviving the chaos and whirlwind of feeling absolutely grand. What a strange life it has been to be Bipolar II.
I think I always had the illness, from childhood onwards. Like some many traits, one must have the genetics present and the environment which triggers the illness into existence. And I had both, I don't believe "childhood" should be used as an excuse for what does and doesn't happen in one's adulthood but I do believe childhood has a profound effect on the rest of our lives. For many of us, childhood was scarring and memories are painfully burdensome.
Some of us learn to lay the burden down early, others carry it around like a suitcase filled with heavy bricks, dragging the suitcase around wherever they go. I carried mine around for more time than I care to admit but have learned to lay it down and walk away from it. I still find the suitcase pop up in my path and occasionally I bump right into it but at least I realize that is what I am doing, I can back up and go another way.
Like many who suffer from the illness, I have a family tree that is dotted with suffers. Again, genetics. My mother was Bipolar I and though undiagnosed, my grandmother surely had the tllness as well as her father. I believe my sister also suffers but isn't ready to see it in herself. It's not an easy thing to accept.
So the trait was present in me and all I needed was an environment to spark it alive. I lived a chaotic and drama filled childhood. The one stable thing that I had was the knowledge that bad things happen and usually everyday.
My parents provided a home, clothes, enough to eat. But they also provided a backdrop of constant arguing and at times physical abuse.
I became depressed at an early age, before 10 at least. In those days not much was understood about depression in general and even less was known about depression in a child or teenager. I was treated with a mild tranquillizer that didn't help the depression at all but made it tolerable to be around me. I spent a great deal of time alone away from family, hiding out writing in journals and day dreaming of being in a different life.
The teen years has enough fluctuation in mood due to hormonal changes. Throw in being bipolar and life's natural ups and downs become extreme. It's difficult to diagnose bipolar in adults and even more difficult to diagnose it in teens and children. I know I lived my life in extremes, either wildly happy or horribly down. When happy I was was outgoing and optimistic. I had many friends and did well in school. I look back and see the times I was hypomanic, being social and excelling in school was easier for me than most. It was almost as if I thought faster and hence was more witty and outgoing. This was true even though we moved around quite a bit and for most teens fitting in takes some work and discomfort.
When I was hypomanic, I would be the kid everyone wanted to know and be friends with because I could make people laugh, I could see the magic in everything and everyone around me and could help others see it too.
When you're hypomanic, everyone loves you and you love everyone and just being in the moment is so grand. It's a most beautiful way to feel. Until it outgrows the limits of acceptability. Too much of anything can be overwhelming at times. Being around someone who is always "on" is exhausting for those without the illness.
I think one can shine so bright that everyone is blinded to anything and anyone else. But even now I look back fondly on the parts of my teenage years when I was hypomanic, some of the best times of my life.
But inevitably the crash would come out of nowhere. I think the body and mind just cannot keep up a pace like that indefinitely and you just wind down.
Unfortunately, you wind down, down, down until even breathing is burdensome.
Depression is easy to spot when it's in contrast to the social butterfly. It's easy to see the difference from someone high on life and one that can barely tolerate life. Even the body becomes heavy to move and difficult to spear on to do anything at all.
Withdrawal from everyone is abrupt and with out rhyme or reason. Tears are easily shed over nothing identifiable and I would write. Writing became my dearest and trusted companion when depressed. Writing was my escape!
It is a fact that some of this world's great artists, writers and musicians have suffered from some form of mental illness.
To create something out of an ordinary vision or thought such as a extraordinary sculpture or a astonishing painting, to write a poem or play that pulls at your heart or compose a piece of music that is so spectacular that you feel it to your very soul and you begin to cry without knowing why.....
These things come from the minds people who see and fell something in life that very few can conceive of.
They experience life in a way that others cannot comprehend, their expressions are created in the forms of their choosing.
For some throughout history, those offerings of art and beauty come at a terrible price....their very sanity!
When Moonbaby and I first starting dating five years ago, she had since the start, informed me of her disorder and asked me several times if I was absolutely sure I wanted to pursue our relationship any further, with full disclosure and going into this with my eyes wide open, what would be involved in having a relationship with someone who suffers from this disorder. I agreed, I was in it for the long haul...the heart wants, what the heart wants!
She had given me several books about he subject of Bipolar and I soon realized that much of the manic chaos or depressive episodes that were triggered, came from the stimulus of the environment around them. Even though, the disorder itself was caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, the daily drama and stress of those closest to them may spark a bout of depression or manic behavior.
So I set out to create a stable and solid surrounding in our relationship. I had never been one to bring drama or stress into any aspect of my life anyway, so the effort involved was minimal. With patience, understanding, love and commitment, her episodes have been fewer and far between over the last few years. Along with her proactive approach to her medication, diet and constant vigilance of her mood swings. The last three years have been the happiest in both our lives.
I was finally able to talk my Moobaby into letting me post some of her writing. I've almost convinced her to submit some of her poetry to a publisher or at the very least to start blog.
I'm not a literary critic by no means but I believe I know good writing when I read it. I've been privileged to be allowed to share most of her writing and can see a true talent in her ability to express her feelings and her observations about life and the world around her.
The following is an example of her writing:
I have had this illness for so long. Way back before I was diagnosed and had to accept a label the explained so many heretofore agonizing "senseless" behaviors that could make me the life of the party or make me the desperate holding on for dear life wounded human being, either one, I put people through Hell.
It has impact upon my life all the time, I am either crashing after being hypomanic ,desperately depressed or headed into hypomanic and once there surviving the chaos and whirlwind of feeling absolutely grand. What a strange life it has been to be Bipolar II.
I think I always had the illness, from childhood onwards. Like some many traits, one must have the genetics present and the environment which triggers the illness into existence. And I had both, I don't believe "childhood" should be used as an excuse for what does and doesn't happen in one's adulthood but I do believe childhood has a profound effect on the rest of our lives. For many of us, childhood was scarring and memories are painfully burdensome.
Some of us learn to lay the burden down early, others carry it around like a suitcase filled with heavy bricks, dragging the suitcase around wherever they go. I carried mine around for more time than I care to admit but have learned to lay it down and walk away from it. I still find the suitcase pop up in my path and occasionally I bump right into it but at least I realize that is what I am doing, I can back up and go another way.
Like many who suffer from the illness, I have a family tree that is dotted with suffers. Again, genetics. My mother was Bipolar I and though undiagnosed, my grandmother surely had the tllness as well as her father. I believe my sister also suffers but isn't ready to see it in herself. It's not an easy thing to accept.
So the trait was present in me and all I needed was an environment to spark it alive. I lived a chaotic and drama filled childhood. The one stable thing that I had was the knowledge that bad things happen and usually everyday.
My parents provided a home, clothes, enough to eat. But they also provided a backdrop of constant arguing and at times physical abuse.
I became depressed at an early age, before 10 at least. In those days not much was understood about depression in general and even less was known about depression in a child or teenager. I was treated with a mild tranquillizer that didn't help the depression at all but made it tolerable to be around me. I spent a great deal of time alone away from family, hiding out writing in journals and day dreaming of being in a different life.
The teen years has enough fluctuation in mood due to hormonal changes. Throw in being bipolar and life's natural ups and downs become extreme. It's difficult to diagnose bipolar in adults and even more difficult to diagnose it in teens and children. I know I lived my life in extremes, either wildly happy or horribly down. When happy I was was outgoing and optimistic. I had many friends and did well in school. I look back and see the times I was hypomanic, being social and excelling in school was easier for me than most. It was almost as if I thought faster and hence was more witty and outgoing. This was true even though we moved around quite a bit and for most teens fitting in takes some work and discomfort.
When I was hypomanic, I would be the kid everyone wanted to know and be friends with because I could make people laugh, I could see the magic in everything and everyone around me and could help others see it too.
When you're hypomanic, everyone loves you and you love everyone and just being in the moment is so grand. It's a most beautiful way to feel. Until it outgrows the limits of acceptability. Too much of anything can be overwhelming at times. Being around someone who is always "on" is exhausting for those without the illness.
I think one can shine so bright that everyone is blinded to anything and anyone else. But even now I look back fondly on the parts of my teenage years when I was hypomanic, some of the best times of my life.
But inevitably the crash would come out of nowhere. I think the body and mind just cannot keep up a pace like that indefinitely and you just wind down.
Unfortunately, you wind down, down, down until even breathing is burdensome.
Depression is easy to spot when it's in contrast to the social butterfly. It's easy to see the difference from someone high on life and one that can barely tolerate life. Even the body becomes heavy to move and difficult to spear on to do anything at all.
Withdrawal from everyone is abrupt and with out rhyme or reason. Tears are easily shed over nothing identifiable and I would write. Writing became my dearest and trusted companion when depressed. Writing was my escape!
It is a fact that some of this world's great artists, writers and musicians have suffered from some form of mental illness.
To create something out of an ordinary vision or thought such as a extraordinary sculpture or a astonishing painting, to write a poem or play that pulls at your heart or compose a piece of music that is so spectacular that you feel it to your very soul and you begin to cry without knowing why.....
These things come from the minds people who see and fell something in life that very few can conceive of.
They experience life in a way that others cannot comprehend, their expressions are created in the forms of their choosing.
For some throughout history, those offerings of art and beauty come at a terrible price....their very sanity!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Get along lil' doggie!
I’ve played MMO’s since the days of Ultima Online in the
late 1990’s, a long…long time ago! Whether
it’s World of Warcraft, Everquest I or II, Warhammer, Guild Wars, Anarchy, Lineage,
Archlord, Age Of Conan, I could go on
and on….
I’ve come to the conclusion that we are a curious type of hybrid
player when it comes to the type of games we play and more importantly, our
loyalty to the game or genre we choose to play.
We are a fickled assortment of game players also! We
sometimes will repeat the same habits/behavior over and over again!
For example…we will play a particular game, fall in love
with it, invest hours/days/months, if not years to it.
We will immerse ourselves into the lore of the game. We
establish close friendships with our fellow players and literally bond with the
We will create a character; pick the class, race, gender of
our avatar! Carefully and meticulously level the character, choose what attributes
and skills that best coincide with our play-style.
Then the hype of a new game begins. The game developers try
to entice us away from the comfort and familiarity of the game will have come
to know and love but sometimes without realizing it, have become complacent or
even bored with it.
MMO players are like cattle sometimes, are looking for
greener pastures to graze on, unfortunately we discover that it isn’t always
the case.
We flock back to the same pastures time and time again once
we figure out that the new, lush, green fields that looks so alluring really
isn't all that great. Some, of course, will stay. Many will come back and
others yet again will sod off from the entire genre.
I guess in the end….it’s just the “human” nature of things!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Hope & Freedom
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Winter Blues!
With the onset of winter, many people will go through the “winter
blues” and some may not even understand why they are experiencing depressive
symptoms such as difficulty waking up in the morning, morning sickness, tendency
to oversleep as well as to overeat, and especially a craving for carbohydrates,
which leads to weight gain.
Other symptoms include a lack of energy, difficulty
concentrating or completing tasks, and withdrawal from friends, family, and
social activities.
All of this leads to the depression, pessimistic feelings of
hopelessness, and lack of pleasure which characterize a person suffering from “Seasonal
Affective Disorder”. Basically it is the brain’s reaction to a form of light
As I’ve posted before, my Moon-baby has suffered from
bi-polar depression her entire life. It’s a disorder which is generally passed
down from parent to child.
In the case of her mother who suffered terribly from “manic-depression”.
Manic depression involves dramatic moods swings from moments of elevated energy
levels and euphoria to moments of total despair! Her mother lived with the
disorder for 69 years before she passed away last year.
In spite of the fact, my Moon-baby has accomplished some
monumental feats in her life while battling this disorder, which in most cases incapacitates
you with the lack of focus, drive and concentration. Most people are doomed to a lifetime of being
homebound or in some cases, institutionalized.
She has graduated from Ole Miss with a degree in business
accounting and has served as a US Treasury agent for the last 22 years. She has
a great courage within her that makes her get up every morning and do what she
has to do. She is my hero!
Thank God, my sweetie-pie has been proactive in her research
and treatment of this disorder along with her treatment of her bi-polar depression.
This has entailed a lifetime of tweaking the correct combination of
anti-depressants and stimulates.
I can see and sense the mood changes after a few days of the
winter grayness when the sun doesn’t shine. I can expect to tread a little more
lightly and be abit more attentive to her needs during this time of year.
Every year around this time she will begin “light therapy”.
It’s basically a dawn simulation. She will sit in front of a special lamp which
simulates sun light for a period of about 30 minutes every morning.
What this does is it triggers the brains production of the
hormone melatonin. Melatonin affects the brain’s circadian rhythms which in
turn affects patterns of core body temperature, brain wave activity, hormone production,
cell regeneration and other biological activities.
In many ways, we all still have those primal instincts imbedded
into our DNA from centuries of evolution. Early man feared the winter months
for the obvious reasons, hunger, shelter and the innate biological fear of loneliness
in the cold.
That’s why our bodies will store a little body fat during
the winter whether we like it or not. It’s our primal instincts that are etched
into our genetic coding from our ancestors who struggled to survive until the
warmth of spring.
Friday, November 12, 2010
I thought I'd post a little video of our Tea-cup Yorkie "Bella" as she chews away on a piece of tissue, which she loves to do!
As you'll see later in the video, "Gus" (short for Gustav) our Hemingway cat naps behind her!
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